Complete the following questions in your notebook:
Identify, define or explain the following:
(Use the notes on the website)
Louis Aime Augustin Le Prince 20th Century Fox Eadweard Muybridge
RKO United Artists The Lumiere brothers
Edison Manufacturing Company Thomas Edison American Vitagraph Company
Etienne-Jules Marey Dickson George Eastman
Columbia Pictures persistence of vision Universal Studios
The Black Maria Kinetograph Warner Bros. Pictures
Selig Polyscope Company William George Horner Paramount Pictures
Beta Phenomenon MGM Kinetoscope
Mutoscope American Mutoscope Company Phenakistiscope Zoetrope Praxinoscope Phasmotrope . Kinematoscope Thaumatrope Cinematographe
There were five studios in the late 20’s early 30’s known as “The Big Five”.
They were
1_______________________________ 4______________________________
2_______________________________ 5_______________________________
There also three minor film studios known as the “The Little Three” they were