Grade 11
Film & Video Studies
Course Description
This course will develop the knowledge and skills that enable students to communicate ideas, feelings and beliefs through the artistic medium of film and video. Through the critical analysis process, students will evaluate the vision of important Canadian and international directors, filmmakers and artists. Students will use the creative process to create films within a personal, contemporary, historical, and cultural context.
Units of Study
Unit 1
History of Film
Unit 2
Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production
Unit 3
The Film Industry and its Genres
Unit 4
The Documentary
Unit 5
Culminating Task (ISU)
Course Work (70% of Final Evaluation)
Creating, Presenting and Performing 40%
The Creative Process, The Principles of Film/Video, Using Technologies, Tools, and Techniques to produce and present media works. Process Journal
Reflecting, Responding and Analyzing 15%
The Critical Analysis Process, Identity and Values, Connections Beyond the Classroom
Foundations 15%
Terminology and Definitions, Contexts and Influences, Responsible Practices, Career Exploration.
Final Summative Assessments (30% of Final Evaluation)
Culminating Activities
Independent Study Project 15%
Student Created Public Service Announcement
Final Examination 15%
Written Terminology and Film Creation
The Process Journal is a critical part of your evaluation in this course. It is a tool to help you envision, plan and complete your assignments AND store valuable information. Use your journal to record your research, keep your rough notes, draw and sketch up plans and ask tough questions about your own work.
There are small assignments that will be completed in this journal to at certain intervals. Completing these will help you to complete your larger assignments, one piece at a time, rather than the week before.
Each assignment should be given a dedicated section of your journal. You can use the indexes of this website to help you organize this journal.
As you complete projects, take notes or finish assignments, use the journal as you own personal textbook.
You Process Journal will be worth approximately 10% of your final mark. It will be evaluated as follows:
Organization /15
Communication /10
Creativity /10